⚓ State
EEprom containing bios fried.
⚓ Original Compact Flash
- SiliconDrive CF - SSD-C12M-3500 - 128MB
root@veaime:~ # fdisk /dev/da0
******* Working on device /dev/da0 *******
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
cylinders=124 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
cylinders=124 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 32, size 254176 (124 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1;
end: cyl 992/ head 7/ sector 32
The data for partition 2 is:
The data for partition 3 is:
The data for partition 4 is:
root@veaime:~ # disklabel /dev/da0
disklabel: /dev/da0: no valid label found
root@veaime:~ # bsdlabel /dev/da0
bsdlabel: /dev/da0: no valid label found
root@veaime:~ # diskinfo -v /dev/da0
512 # sectorsize
130154496 # mediasize in bytes (124M)
254208 # mediasize in sectors
0 # stripesize
0 # stripeoffset
124 # Cylinders according to firmware.
64 # Heads according to firmware.
32 # Sectors according to firmware.
000000060 # Disk ident.
root@veaime:~ # disklabel /dev/da0s1
# /dev/da0s1:
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
a: 254176 0 4.2BSD 2048 16384 94
c: 254176 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit
root@veaime:~ # bsdlabel /dev/da0
da0% da0s1% da0s1a%
root@veaime:~ # bsdlabel /dev/da0s1
# /dev/da0s1:
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
a: 254176 0 4.2BSD 2048 16384 94
c: 254176 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit
root@veaime:~ # dumpfs -m /dev/da0s1
# newfs command for /dev/da0s1 (/dev/da0s1)
newfs -O 1 -a 7 -b 16384 -d 16384 -e 4096 -f 2048 -g 16384 -h 64 -i 14336 -k 0 -m 8 -o time -s 254176 /dev/da0s1
root@veaime:~ # dumpfs -m /dev/da0s1a
# newfs command for /dev/da0s1a (/dev/da0s1a)
newfs -O 1 -a 7 -b 16384 -d 16384 -e 4096 -f 2048 -g 16384 -h 64 -i 14336 -k 0 -m 8 -o time -s 254176 /dev/da0s1a
⚓ Serial Original Compact Flash
>> NETASQ Firewall - NS-BSD Boot
1) main slot
2) backup slot
choose:Console: serial port
BIOS drive C: is disk0
BIOS 639kB/127872kB available memory
FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 0.8
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
CF has been removed at this point
/kernel text=0x1b7264 data=0x2353c+0x24394 syms=[0x4+0x2a820zf_read: fill error
elf_loadimage: could not read symbols - skipped!
root device disk0s1a: invalid